Thanks to all the wonderful people who have worked so hard over the years to inform the Sheltie fancy about the history and pedigrees of the breed. The list below is not all inclusive, please send us the URLs of other Sheltie pedigree sites we may have missed.
- Information on Shetland Sheepdogs: History, Genetics, Bloodlines and Top Producers, Sue Ann Bowling, US site
- Pedigrees of New AKC Champions and Advanced Obedience Titlists, Bob Miller, US site
- The Shetland Sheedog, History and pedigrees - Esther van Vliet, Nederlands site
- Shetland Sheepdog pedigrees - Lots of info about English Champions, Tsjisse Tilma, Nederlands site
- Many thanks to Dana Quinney for allowing us to use her beautiful Sheltie icons to display dogs colors and the favicon, US site
- Sheltie-News magazine, since 1991 German site - Martina Feldhoff